How to Perform Mass Actions – App Invitations
You can invite participants to the app or remove their access to the app in mass by using the App mass action. You can enable the app at any time after the participant has been invited to an assessment. The participant will have access to the app after their assessment is complete.
1. In Users, click the Participants tab.
2. Use the filter to narrow down your search results, then click Go.
3. Select the checkboxes next to participants who you would like to perform the mass action on.
4. Click on the App button at the top of the table.
5. Select +Enable or -Disable in the drop-down menu.
5. Click Confirm on the confirmation window that appears.
* If you select +Enable, and a selected participant is already assigned to the app, nothing will happen to that participant. Likewise, if you select -Disable, and the participant’s app was already disabled or never assigned, nothing will happen to that participant. You may enable the app before the participant’s results are available, however, the participant will not have access to the app until after their assessment scoring is complete.
More Information
Enabling and Disabling the App Individually: You can use the mass action, but select a single participant. You may also enable and disable the app in a participant’s profile.
Notifications: The participant will receive an automated invitation when the app is enabled, but not disabled.
Improvement: If the app is disabled, the participant does not lose improvement already made in the app.
Follow-Up Assessments: If the participant took a follow-up assessment, the app needs to be enabled again after the participant’s results are available even if they had access to the app for their previous assessment.
Participant Users Table: You can quickly see if the app is enabled for any participant by looking for the App Enabled indicator under the stage column.
Customization: Mass actions negate automation you set in the customize module.